This multi-level marketing company is getting immense popularity these days as the company is offering more and more products, services as well as bonus options. Of course, the number of people who are tempted by what this company has to offer grows. But should people trust this company? Is Omega Softwares a legit MLM company or a scam?
Moreover, investors all across the globe should be more careful when choosing a company in which to invest their money. Unfortunately, most of them start reading the review too late – when the company has declared “bankruptcy,” was “hacked” or when they stop responding.
Nowadays, MLM companies are much more careful than their ancestors. Of course, they operate more smartly. Unsurprisingly, they have also planned everything to the last detail – even the getaway plan. So, in this review, we will focus on revealing the truth about Omega Softwares. So, make sure you keep on reading as the information here is extremely useful.
What is Omega Softwares?
Nature of Business: Service Provider
Company CEO: Arihant
Year of Establishment: 2001
Omega Softwares is a leading software development company that is primarily focused on the Indian market. As the company was established in 2001, it has over a decade of experience in building web applications and software. Currently, Omega Softwares has one goal – to attracts as many customers as possible. And to do so, the multidimensional IT company offers various products as well as services.
Moreover, this is a typical move for every MLM company. By offering many products, services, and bonuses, investors can easily get tempted. But let’s focus now on the products Omega Softwares offers.
- Softwares
- MLM Website
- Website Designing
- App Development
- Digital Marketing
- Web Hosting
- Payment Gateway
- Game Development
Further, Omega Softwares provide professional web development services, such as:
- E-commerce Website Development
- Site Development
- Website Designing
- Portal Website Development
- Web Application Development
- Domain Name Registration
- Website Hosting
- SEO services.
Furthermore, almost all services are available on all Android, iPhone as well as iPad devices. Moreover, currently, Omega Softwares offers end-to-end customer relationship management.
Legit MLM or Scam?
At this moment, the information that is available about Omega Softwares is very scarce. Moreover, this, in turn, makes us and many investors wonder whether Omega Software is a real legitimate company or just another Pozi scheme. So far, we know that the company was first established in 2001. For 18 years, Omega Softwares claims to have grown to a successful and top-rated software development company. Well, we would generally agree. If you think about it, 18 years is a lot of time. So, it would be reasonable for such a company to have many new as well as returning clients. However, this is not the case with this multidimensional it company.
Currently, Omega Software has Facebook as well as an Instagram business page. Probably this might strike you as a surprise, but the total number of followers on the Instagram social profile is 58 people. As our team reviews mostly MLM Ponzi schemes, this fact didn’t shock us. The lack of post on their Instagram page was also not a surprise.
Furthermore, the next thing we checked was the number of monthly visitors. Unnaturally for multi-level marketing scams, the Omega Softwares website generates little to no traffic.
Eighteen years on the market and no website traffic or followers? Lack of transparency and any detailed information on the internet? Do you think this is a legitimate company?
Well, we most certainly have our doubts. However, the final decision is, of course, yours. That’s why we also want to show you what products and plans Omega Software offers. So, let’s get started.
Omega Software Products
- Softwares
- MLM Website
- Website Designing
- App Development
- Digital Marketing
- Web Hosting
- Payment Gateway
- Game Development
Binary Plan Plan and Software
According to our sources, this plan is amongst the most popular options Omega Softwares offers. The Binary Plan Software is based on two legs network growth. Of course, one leg is on the left side, and the other one is on the right side. They are also referred to as power and profit leg. Furthermore, once the user recruits a new person to the structure, he or she can introduce the new person either on the left or right side in the Binary Tree Structure.
Single Leg Plan and Software

If you have ever used the Omega Software services, then you have probably heard about this plan. It is also known as Monoline MLM Plan, and it is trendy. Typically, the MLM industry loves the Single Leg Plan concept as it works on a first-come and first-serve basis.
And if you happen not to know how it works, every person who becomes a part of the company is considered in your down-line. Also, according to Omega Softwares website, the Single Leg MLM Plan offers the following benefits:
- Web-Based Application
- 100% Cost-Effective
- 24/7 Real-Time Access
- User-Friendly Interface
- Accuracy and Consistency
- 24/7 Tech Support
- Free MLM Consultancy
Level Plan and Software
Typically, this plan is widely used. With the level MLM plan, distributor A has one goal – to recruit as many people as possible. With Omega Softwares, there is no limit as to how many people or new distributors person A can recruit. From the picture above, you can see that the distributor A has sponsored every person down the firs line, also called front line – B, C, D, E, etc. Furthermore, these people can also sponsor as many distributors as they like.
Generation Plan and Software

With this selling plan, every affiliate promotes their down line member to sell the product. Moreover, they help them in getting commission and bonuses as well. It is also referred to as Repurchase Plan or Gap Commission Plan. In other words, the MLM Generation Plan is based on profit sharing marketing.
Matrix Plan and Software
Know as Forced Matrix MLM Plan as well as Ladder Plan. Further, this is one of the most used and widely preferred MLM Plans. Moreover, the pyramid pattern is especially preferred amongst multi-level networking marketers. Also, every new member brings commission profits to the recruiter.
However, the number of recruited people is limited. With the Matric Plan, the width is limited. The tree structure could be 3 in width and 5 in-depth. In other words, each member can add up to 3 new people in their front line. Meanwhile, they will get commissioned up to level 5. Also, with Omega Softwares, users have the opportunity to test the MLM Matrix Plan for free.
Board Plan and Software
The MLM Board Plan software is a 2X2 Matrix. Or, as some people like to call it the 2X2 Matrix Cycle. Currently, the Omega Softwares MLM Board Plan Software includes single board system, double board system as well as multi-board system. As this plan has more advantages compared to others, it is no wonder why many companies prefer it. Moreover, the goal of this plan is to help companies generate more profit.
Payment Methods
- Cash
- Credit Card
- Cheque
- DD
- Online
- Bank Transfer
Is there a Compensation Plan or Other Bonuses with Omega Softwares?
Yes, there is a Compensation Plan. Moreover, the multidimensional IT company has the following bonus options:
- Sponsor Bonus
- Fast Start Bonus
- Rank Advancement Bonus
- Leadership Bonus Pool
- Coded Bonus
Bottom Line
The information above is more than enough for us to decide whether Omega Softwares is a scam or a legit multi-level marketing company. Unfortunately, this company seems to be untrustworthy.
Moreover, the company is not transparent and doesn’t share any information regarding the people behind the name “Omega Softwares.” Also, there is no information about the person who runs the company. So, should you become a member of this MLM company? Well, let’s put it that way. You have higher chances of winning the lottery than this company, not ending like every other MLM Ponzi scheme.