Kenneth Pasko – Behind Scam MLM Reviews Tue, 21 Jul 2020 12:46:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Know All About The Bit Club Network Scam Tue, 21 Jul 2020 12:46:13 +0000 Many are the scam companies that have fallen into this dirty game when it comes to working with cryptocurrencies. We even know of cases in which they have been reported and are still operating. The issue of working with money is very sensitive for all parties; this will be a matter of contention. It is not possible to advance in a particular project without having the pertinent financial soundness, that is why many look for alternatives. These necessity alternatives, in many cases, are not usually the most common. What would it be like to get an additional job or some

The post Know All About The Bit Club Network Scam appeared first on Behind Scam.

Many are the scam companies that have fallen into this dirty game when it comes to working with cryptocurrencies. We even know of cases in which they have been reported and are still operating. The issue of working with money is very sensitive for all parties; this will be a matter of contention.

It is not possible to advance in a particular project without having the pertinent financial soundness, that is why many look for alternatives. These necessity alternatives, in many cases, are not usually the most common. What would it be like to get an additional job or some extra activity that generates income?

In many cases, the way to earn money is through shortcuts, many of these fraudulent in every way. And unsurprisingly, startups take this as an opportunity to catch new investors.

In the case of the cryptocurrency market, the same thing happens and exists a lot of misinformation on the subject. Disinformation arises almost as quickly as the method grows, and so many shell companies seize the opportunity to break in illegally.

This is where the Bit Club Network, a U.S. Bitcoin mining group sued for scams of more than $ 700 million, comes in. This company reportedly has been taking advantage of its victims since April 2014, policies arrest those involved, and one remains a fugitive.

But we go by parts, first of all, we must know how the process works and what it is about. So here we will explain it part by part.

What are cryptocurrencies, and why have they become so famous?

First of all, a cryptocurrency is a digital currency as an alternative medium of exchange. Being digital, it does not have the backing of a bank so that you can handle it online.

The crypto controls the Bit Club Network; it is constantly moving since its competition and market is currently very wide. A total of 36 million cryptocurrencies were registered for 2019 worldwide.

This is the digital money of the future, and its most popular currency, Bitcoin, has rapidly climbed in position. For this method to work, we must use it wisely and know who we invest with. Being a digital method, there are very few supports that it offers when it comes to fraud.

Every company related to Bitcoin mining works in the following way, or rather they cheat like this, with these key points:

  1. Knowing that the subject has many holes in its operation and information, they offer “learning programs.” Many serve as guides to guide you through this process without knowing where it will end.
  2. They place the new client to invest a certain amount of money that he recovers later.
  3. They offer packages of bonuses or sales commissions according to the position in which the client is.
  4. Many use their mining group to convince the client that they will earn more money by attracting other interested parties

All this before mentioned was the way to carry out the Bit Club Network scam according to reports issued by United States prosecutors.

Cryptocurrency Business: Scam Opportunity

bitclub mlm scam

So far, it has been made clear that cryptocurrencies are a method not endorsed by any government department. Unlike banks and their protocols, this does not happen with Bitcoin, one of the most famous cryptocurrencies today.

So when investing, it should be clear that online fraud is an option. No one can guarantee that you will earn money this way, so you must be careful when carrying out these operations.

Bit Club Network

What is it, and how it works?

Bit Club Network is presented as a group of Bitcoin mining services. We have already explained that this is the most famous type of currency in the cryptocurrency market. So many prefer to work with them, and investors prefer them too.

This does not escape the thousands of scam cases carried out with this digital currency. The plan carried out by the Bit Club Network team reportedly worked as follows:

– People had to invest money

– People will use this invested money to pay for hardware and operating systems

– The final reward would be the profit obtained from the sales of the cryptocurrencies extracted from here

The plan began according to U.S. police reports around early 2014, and they dismantled it earlier this year.

Under this plan, Matthew Brent Goettsche, 37, Jobadiah Sinclair Weeks, 38, and Joseph Frank Abel, 49, were charged with wire fraud and conspiracy. This accusation happened for offering and selling unregistered securities.

These three individuals, plus one who is still at large, were found to have received money from investors. All this in exchange for alleged participation in a Bitcoin mining group. Investors would later be rewarded with the proceeds from the sale of cryptocurrencies.

Additionally, investors had the responsibility of capturing other users, and this would be part of their profits as well.

How does the recruitment of “Potential Investors” work on the Bit Club Network?

According to statements by the defendants, their search focused on investors eager to earn easy money, which they branded as “stupid investors.”

Goettsche allegedly placed others to manipulate a certain amount of mining profits. Everything seemed real from the outside; all the documents, records, even the team made trips and made videos so that everything seemed real.

With this, they managed to attract more people to the company.

Scam legal implications

Bit Club Network faces a sentence of more than 20 years in prison for this electronic fraud. Also, a fine of up to $ 250,000, for cases of electronic fraud added to the sale of unregistered securities. That is, they would be up to 25 years in prison and $ 500,000 in fines.

Recently, the company requests to be released, using the COVID 19 pandemic as an excuse. But the requested temporary release was denied, despite the reasons stated by the accused.

Specifically, they state that being there, they risk contracting the disease, and the measures of general isolation deprive them of having a lawyer.

Also, those involved, for the time they had conducting the business, managed to obtain accounts all over the world with large sums of money. This process of blocking funds is still going on. This means that approving the “temporary release” increases the possibility of flight to another country where the funds cannot be confiscated.

The power of the internet allowed the Bit Club Network case to become very famous. For a long time, negative publications circulated about this company and its way of operating. Many were the attacks on the portal, due to the lack of information about the company.

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Know Cash FX Group and its Scam Platform Mon, 13 Jul 2020 09:34:29 +0000 Cash FX Group will go down in history as the platform that scammed many of its users with their phantom payments. Its platform specialized in generating income for its users, but many of them did waste their time. Today the web is closed for its errors and scams. People affected remember it as a failed investment opportunity that promised more than it did. To get into context, know Cash FX Group from its beginnings, its promises, and what their owners did. Originally the interface was created to work and invest money with the ROI whose payments were very attractive for

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Cash FX Group will go down in history as the platform that scammed many of its users with their phantom payments. Its platform specialized in generating income for its users, but many of them did waste their time.

Today the web is closed for its errors and scams. People affected remember it as a failed investment opportunity that promised more than it did.

To get into context, know Cash FX Group from its beginnings, its promises, and what their owners did. Originally the interface was created to work and invest money with the ROI whose payments were very attractive for everyone.

ROI is the return on investment for marketing campaigns. Many platforms facilitate this system because its profitability is absolute. It gives too many opportunities for economic expansion in your life.

The Cash FX Group system was very well positioned and, at first glance, would give you long-term profits. The real problem started when users wanted to withdraw their money; the platform asked you many requirements to transfer the profit to the Exchange.

Its support was with FOREX and Crypto; with this its credibility was very high to invest. People trusted what their facade showed and were carried away by the idea of ​​business success.

Investments that disappeared

For this 2020, there were still people who trusted Cash FX Group and their investments for a complete financial education. To register, they had to pay for their packages, which, although they were not that expensive, was practically giving away money without even knowing it.

After having a membership for their education in business and finance, there were dubious information documents. The “information” was not complete; it had many loose ends for users; it left more doubts than answers to their questions.

After having that preamble of financial education, you could choose to earn money from your platform in the following ways:

  1. Earn money on ROI commissions

This consisted of investing by levels of return on investment of assets in a 200% to 300% weekly. Each tier had its price, and the earning money was monetized in your wallet or platform every week.

Its lowest ROI investment level was $ 300; you would get 15% of the investment weekly. In 4 months, their money would double following this program, that was great only that Cash FX Group never complied.

In the advertising, it showed that just by investing $ 300 for four months, you would earn double that investment without doing anything. Also for doing nothing, the platform gave you information about commerce and finance in general, but it was all a lie.

  1. Referral program

In addition to investing and earning double the money given, the Cash FX Group promised that if you brought a friend, you would earn money. The commission rate you would get for each invited friend was 5% each week; many met this point.

Some people have a plus point within Cash FX Group, earning commission money for referrals to their account. Other people did not run with the same luck, and they always paid less than what they promised on their website.

At the end of all Cash FX Group, earn a lot of money by bringing your friends to invest a minimum of $ 300. While the referrer only took a minimum portion of that amount each weekend with the account.

The excellent organizational structure of the Cash FX Group was its best attraction for the scam.

The idea that you were investing $ 300 today sounded too fantastic, and in 4 months you took twice that amount. For this scam to be credible, the platform creators organized it too well to be legitimate for their new subscribers.

Plataform Advantages

The platform had ranges for its users; with them, you could earn 200% to 500% of your original investment, and it had advantages. Check them out below to see how far Cash Cash Group has gone to take your money :

  • Beginner Rank: To have it, you had to invest in any package, from $ 300 to $ 3000, which was your maximum payment amount.
  • Rank of executive or manager: This qualification consisted of an investment of more than $ 600, his earnings rose to 250%, he would earn more than $ 1,350 in 4 months.
  • Rank director or president of the group: he had to invest an amount greater than $ 1,000, he had referral benefits where he would earn 10% for each invited friend.
  • Ambassador and global ambassador rank: these positions were the highest, their investment had to be greater than 2000, and their benefits were of a profit of 500% in 4 months.

All ranges promised a lot, and some users took advantage of it with the beginner rating and its long-term benefits. Very few people enjoyed the higher rank, but those who did had a very bad experience.

Not everyone lost but more than 30% of investors had payment problems. From an incomplete payment to phantom transaction fees, it was the displeasure that this website subscribers had.

People start to leave Cash FX

In less than two years of operation, the Cash FX platform had already lost credibility; by 2020, it was bankrupt. The questions begin to come out about what they invested, their system failures and phantom commissions.

What did we invest in?

This question came to the background as investors were not interested as long as they earned double or triple their investment. After the website went down, that question began to be asked.

Cash FX invested their money in financial education, paying their providers, and improving the overall platform. It is unknown where the money was going, and the investors’ money disappeared.

Why my refund requests were never answered?

The company never answer many of investors’ refund requests; this caused frustration among its users when asking for their money invested and having no response. The complaints began to fall in Cash Fx, at least 3 out of 10 people were victims of this irresponsible treatment.

Investment money was sometimes not recovered; only 50% was reimbursed for “your use of financial education.” While this was happening, other subscribers were detaching themselves from the web so as not to lose any money after two months of paying.

Cash FX still trading?

Yes and no, the company continues to operate under another name, it maintains the same structure, ranges but with different nationality and name. If you search the internet, you will understand why Cash FX went bankrupt; it has more negative than positive comments.

You already know the structure of this fantastic investment website that is not very credible, if you notice any other similar, stay away from it. Money doesn’t come so easy, don’t be scammed by this scheme, save your money and make better use of it.

The post Know Cash FX Group and its Scam Platform  appeared first on Behind Scam.

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Know Cash FX Group And Its Scam Platform Tue, 23 Jun 2020 14:14:40 +0000 Cash FX Group will go down in history as the platform that scammed many of its users with their phantom payments. Its platform specialized in generating income for its users, but many of them did waste their time. Today the web is closed for its errors and scams. People affected remember it as a failed investment opportunity that promised more than it did. To get into context, know Cash FX Group from its beginnings, its promises, and what their owners did. Originally the interface was created to work and invest money with the ROI whose payments were very attractive for

The post Know Cash FX Group And Its Scam Platform  appeared first on Behind Scam.

Cash FX Group will go down in history as the platform that scammed many of its users with their phantom payments. Its platform specialized in generating income for its users, but many of them did waste their time.

Today the web is closed for its errors and scams. People affected remember it as a failed investment opportunity that promised more than it did.

To get into context, know Cash FX Group from its beginnings, its promises, and what their owners did. Originally the interface was created to work and invest money with the ROI whose payments were very attractive for everyone.

ROI is the return on investment for marketing campaigns. Many platforms facilitate this system because its profitability is absolute. It gives too many opportunities for economic expansion in your life.

The Cash FX Group system was very well positioned and, at first glance, would give you long-term profits. The real problem started when users wanted to withdraw their money; the platform asked you many requirements to transfer the profit to the Exchange.

Its support was with FOREX and Crypto; with this, its credibility was very high to invest. People trusted what their facade showed and were carried away by the idea of ​​business success.

Investments that disappeared

For this 2020, there were still people who trusted Cash FX Group and their investments for a complete financial education. To register, they had to pay for their packages, which, although they were not that expensive, was practically giving away money without even knowing it.

After having a membership for their education in business and finance, there were dubious information documents. The “information” was not complete; it had many loose ends for users; it left more doubts than answers to their questions.

After having that preamble of financial education, you could choose to earn money from your platform in the following ways:

  1. Earn money on ROI commissions

This consisted of investing by levels of return on investment of assets in a 200% to 300% weekly. Each tier had its price, and the earning money was monetized in your wallet or platform every week.

Its lowest ROI investment level was $ 300; you would get 15% of the investment weekly. In 4 months, their money would double following this program, that was great only that Cash FX Group never complied.

In the advertising, it showed that just by investing $ 300 for four months, you would earn double that investment without doing anything. Also for doing nothing, the platform gave you information about commerce and finance in general, but it was all a lie.

  1. Referral program

In addition to investing and earning double the money given, the Cash FX Group promised that if you brought a friend, you would earn money. The commission rate you would get for each invited friend was 5% each week; many met this point.

Some people have a plus point within Cash FX Group, earning commission money for referrals to their account. Other people did not run with the same luck, and they always paid less than what they promised on their website.

At the end of all Cash FX Group, earn a lot of money by bringing your friends to invest a minimum of $ 300. While the referrer only took a minimum portion of that amount each weekend with the account.

The excellent organizational structure of the Cash FX Group was its best attraction for the scam.

The idea that you were investing $ 300 today sounded too fantastic, and in 4 months you took twice that amount. For this scam to be credible, the platform creators organized it too well to be legitimate for their new subscribers.

Platform Advantages

The platform had ranges for its users; with them, you could earn 200% to 500% of your original investment, and it had advantages. Check them out below to see how far Cash Cash Group has gone to take your money :

  • Beginner Rank: To have it, you had to invest in any package, from $ 300 to $ 3000, which was your maximum payment amount.
  • Rank of executive or manager: This qualification consisted of an investment of more than $ 600, his earnings rose to 250%, he would earn more than $ 1,350 in 4 months.
  • Rank director or president of the group: he had to invest an amount greater than $ 1,000, he had referral benefits where he would earn 10% for each invited friend.
  • Ambassador and global ambassador rank: these positions were the highest, their investment had to be greater than 2000, and their benefits were of a profit of 500% in 4 months.

All ranges promised a lot, and some users took advantage of it with the beginner rating and its long-term benefits. Very few people enjoyed the higher rank, but those who did had a very bad experience.

Not everyone lost but more than 30% of investors had payment problems. From an incomplete payment to phantom transaction fees, it was the displeasure that this website subscribers had.

People start to leave Cash FX

In less than two years of operation, the Cash FX platform had already lost credibility; by 2020, it was bankrupt. The questions begin to come out about what they invested, their system failures, and phantom commissions.

What did we invest in?

This question came to the background as investors were not interested as long as they earned double or triple their investment. After the website went down, that question began to be asked.

Cash FX invested their money in financial education, paying their providers, and improving the overall platform. It is unknown where the money was going, and the investors’ money disappeared.

Why my refund requests were never answered?

The company never answer many of investors’ refund requests; this caused frustration among its users when asking for their money invested and having no response. The complaints began to fall in Cash Fx, at least 3 out of 10 people were victims of this irresponsible treatment.

Investment money was sometimes not recovered; only 50% was reimbursed for “your use of financial education.” While this was happening, other subscribers were detaching themselves from the web so as not to lose any money after two months of paying.

Cash FX still trading?

Yes and no, the company continues to operate under another name, it maintains the same structure, ranges but with different nationality and name. If you search the internet, you will understand why Cash FX went bankrupt; it has more negative than positive comments.

You already know the structure of this fantastic investment website that is not very credible, if you notice any other similar, stay away from it. Money doesn’t come so easy, don’t be scammed by this scheme, save your money, and make better use of it.

The post Know Cash FX Group And Its Scam Platform  appeared first on Behind Scam.

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Is Fibotrade a Safe Platform, or Is It a Scam? Thu, 18 Jun 2020 09:42:40 +0000 Currently, the foreign exchange market is very important and has become a very significant topic for many investors. It is a decentralized international market for currency trading. Due to this market growth, many companies have come to help anyone achieve their financial freedom. Among the online brokers or trading platforms that have appeared is Fibotrade. Whenever you make or want to use these types of platforms that offer Forex trading, you should look at the one that suits your needs. Having a reliable platform is capable of offering you a successful investment. It would help if you stayed away from

The post Is Fibotrade a Safe Platform, or Is It a Scam? appeared first on Behind Scam.

Currently, the foreign exchange market is very important and has become a very significant topic for many investors. It is a decentralized international market for currency trading.

Due to this market growth, many companies have come to help anyone achieve their financial freedom. Among the online brokers or trading platforms that have appeared is Fibotrade.

Whenever you make or want to use these types of platforms that offer Forex trading, you should look at the one that suits your needs. Having a reliable platform is capable of offering you a successful investment.

It would help if you stayed away from brokers with little reputation or fake and not to lose your money. Verify that the broker meets your needs and everything to look for so that you have profitable profits.

Fibotrade is a financial trading platform and any investor can start easily. But It is Fibotrade a safe and reliable platform? In this article, we will offer you the information you need on this topic.

What is Fibotrade?

As already mentioned, it is a platform that offers you to make your financial investments easily. The currency market is considered the largest financial market in the world, where the transaction number can be up to $ 7 billion a day.

According to the website, Fibotrade provides its clients with transparent prices so that their investors have peace of mind in the negotiation process. They minimize risks with a free in-app platform and have a high-quality security and customer information system.

They are part of the 4.0 technology forex trading platforms with special support. When you want to search for a platform that offers these services, you should choose one that has a good reputation and is reliable.

The Fibotrade website does not have good reviews from its clients because its platform has many problems. Many customers say it is a scam, and they recommend looking for other alternatives.

They have 24/7 operations, and all investors can trade at any time and from anywhere. You decide when you want to start, and they offer you more adequate rates than other platforms.

You do not need very high capital to start your investment and they try to offer a simple, clear, and transparent service. Fibotrade offers the following services:

  • Low minimum deposit
  • Quick account opening
  • Fast liquidity through blockchain technology
  • They complete transactions in 30 seconds
  • This broker is compatible with any device

What is a trading platform?

It is a computer program called online brokers that allow you to carry out financial operations in real-time. Usually, all of these platforms are regulated and secure, but you can also come across some untrustworthy brokers who are scams.

In the market, you will find a great number of options, but you must find out which ones are the best for you. Try to find the advantages and disadvantages so that you do not have problems with your financial operations.

A broker is a company that acts as an intermediary between sellers and buyers. For performing these types of services, these platforms charge a commission.

Fibotrade is one of the online brokers with years of experience and offers Forex trading and social trading. If you want to enter this world of the financial market, you must have a platform that meets your needs and is secure.

In the market, you can find various types of trading platforms, and they are as follows:

  • Complementary trading platforms to the broker
  • Own trading platforms
  • Open trading platforms

Is Fibotrade safe?

When you want to choose a platform like Fibotrade, you must pay attention to the organism and the state that regulate it. All brokers are not regulated by an administrative entity and work at their discretion. In this case, any investment made may be at risk.

Fibotrade is a broker that is regulated, verified, and supervised by the corresponding agencies. The FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) regulated it. Generally, brokers that are regulated do not manipulate the market price.

One negative point of this website is that CySEC does not regulate it, and it doesn’t offer VPS.

Many users have had problems with transactions. Although the website claim that appears in 30 seconds, it can take several days, and the transaction does not appear.

The platform can be slow at certain times, although this will not affect their operations.

Do you want to choose a good online trading platform?

If you want to use one of these broken, they must take into account certain aspects so that you can choose the best one. Follow these steps to work with the platform you need:

  • Check the regulation

Whenever you want to work with a trading platform, you must verify that the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) regulated it. Another entity that also regulates this type of brokers is CySEC; this makes them reliable sites. With these regulations, you will be safe and away from fraud and scams, so this point is important because it will protect you.

  • Find a platform easy to use

If you are a beginner in this topic, you should look for a platform that offers ease functionality. To find out if they are easy, you can try the demo accounts that these websites always offer.

  • Commissions for transactions

You should always look for a website that offers you the best rate, so you don’t lose money for every transaction you make. The lower the nightgowns, you can save on costs and will be a benefit for you.

  • The services offered

A good trading platform should offer you good customer service. You should verify that they are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They have a quick response, speak several languages ​​, and efficiently solve any problem that may arise. It would be best if you also verified that the platform quickly makes deposits and withdrawals.

With these points, you will be able to make the best decision, and you will have a secure online broker to carry out your financial transactions. If you are new to this topic, keep these points in mind so that you become an expert and can make successful investments.


This entire financial market can lead you to lose a lot of money if you do not use the right trading or broker platform. It can mean risk, and not all investors can do it. Not all investors do the same with these platforms.

Investments or income may go up or down, and you may not get back the amount of money you have invested. If you do not have knowledge about the financial market and are going to start with your investments, you should be very careful. Look for other trading platform options other than Fibotrade so you can get off to a good start and be successful in your investments.

The post Is Fibotrade a Safe Platform, or Is It a Scam? appeared first on Behind Scam.

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Does Exxa Wallet work, or is it a scam Fri, 08 May 2020 14:05:32 +0000 Today cryptocurrencies and blockchains have increased in popularity, and among these options is Exxa Wallet. This is a cryptocurrency wallet where you can earn money. With the number of electronic wallets that exist today, everyone wants to know if they are reliable or a scam because many people jumped on some wallets and turned out to be a scam. What is Exxa Wallet? Exxa Wallet is a multi-level marketing (MLM) company in Singapore; they work with blockchain and cryptocurrencies. The company was created in March 2010 and had an update in May 2019. Exxa Wallet aims to enable people to

The post Does Exxa Wallet work, or is it a scam appeared first on Behind Scam.

Today cryptocurrencies and blockchains have increased in popularity, and among these options is Exxa Wallet. This is a cryptocurrency wallet where you can earn money.

With the number of electronic wallets that exist today, everyone wants to know if they are reliable or a scam because many people jumped on some wallets and turned out to be a scam.

What is Exxa Wallet?

Exxa Wallet is a multi-level marketing (MLM) company in Singapore; they work with blockchain and cryptocurrencies. The company was created in March 2010 and had an update in May 2019.

Exxa Wallet aims to enable people to achieve the financial freedom they need and to save their cryptocurrencies. A reputable and very powerful team manages the company with the necessary knowledge.

Frankie Lee is the founder, Danny Tang and Gregory Ang are co-founders, while Meng Michael Share, Chia Hock, and SQ2 Fintech Probate Limited are the holders of shares. They are all real people with an excellent record in the market.

All Exxa Wallet owners and shareholders have worked together for over 20 years. They have managed to earn millions of dollars from their businesses.

This platform claims to be a Mobile Wallet, Crypto Exchange, Ai Trading Bot, Digital Academy, Digital Lifestyle, Travel Network. It is a smartphone app; you need to download the app. They use their cryptocurrency, MLM, and crypto don’t come together.

How to join Exxa Wallet?

You can join Exxa Wallet for free, but to start earning money, you must make a minimum deposit. You have the option to subscribe to your affiliate membership with a minimum investment of $ 300. This option offers you the eligibility to participate in the company’s compensation plan.

You should know that all returns are in Exxa tokens, and it has a very popular value in the market. You should know that this wallet does not offer tangible products, so its compensation plan is based on the membership it sold you.

Exxa compensation plan

Exxa compensation plan

All Exxa wallet affiliates invest their money in Exxa tokens, talking to their customers about a performance derived from a trading bot. When affiliates invest in Exxa tokens, and when they have saved them in Exxa, you should know that the returns are between 3% and 9% monthly.

The company pays all returns in Exxa tokens, where affiliates collect their tokens through an internal exchange. You should be aware that Exxa Wallet does not publish the current value of the internal Exxa token.

Residual fees

This platform pays residual commissions through a uni-level compensation structure. This means that it places an affiliate at the top of a group at a level. Each personally enrolled affiliate is placed below them, called level 1.

This means that if a level 1 affiliate searches and recruits new affiliates, they are placed at level 2 of the uni-level team of the person who is the original affiliate. And so on, if level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, you will be placed at level 3, etc. Limit commissions to 21 single-level team levels.

Exxa Wallet failures

It works in much the same way as other app wallets on the market. But this cryptocurrency wallet has a few flaws that you can check out below:

  • Your investment information is confusing; the company needs to explain how it manages the investor’s money.
  • A verified operator does not back the investment; they are based on DEVO +. There is no information or evidence on who is running behind the scenes.

DEVO + is programmed to operate moderately, and conservatively; it uses market indicators and algorithms that are complex.

  • You have an exchange platform that is limited to be able to sell or buy Exxa tokens.
  • So far, there are no online stores or platforms that accept Exxa tokens as a payment method. Which means that you will not have a way to use them.

Is Exxa Wallet a scam?

This method is very similar to the Ponzi scheme of other crypto token wallets, that’s why many people do not recommend Exxa. This wallet is available for Android and iOS devices.

It does not have a wallet feature in itself, although it seems that users have control over their funds.

Like most crypto tokens, what they do is a pump and invest in Ponzi coins that have artificial demand. It works just like the other wallets that scammed millions of dollars like Cloud Token and Token.

Exxa Wallet has an MLM coin, which is worthless and unlikely to appear on a public exchange with a worth. The platform makes you buy your currency, which inflates the value; they manipulate the price of the token at your convenience.

You should know that the Exxa coin has no value in the real world; they only use it to extract their bitcoin. Many people recommend not to register on this platform because it is a scam, that you will only lose your money.

Exxa does not have any products or services available; all affiliates can market only Exxa’s affiliate membership.

Final words

As you can see, this Ponzi scheme of the fourth wallet of the World Blockchain Forum is nothing new and is more of the same. It has nothing new from the other Exxa token wallets that have hit the market.

The Singapore Monetary Authorities regulate the securities. But according to investigations, they affirm that Exxa is not registered. Which means you are operating illegally in Singapore.

Also, they comment that Exxa is not registered anywhere in the world to be able to offer securities. Exxa tokens are generated from scratch, and the investment is useless because it has nowhere to use it. As mentioned, Exxa Tokens do not have a value, only the internal value that the Exxa administration wants to assign.

Furthermore, Exxa Wallet has access to your wallet, and they can steal or turn off your crypto at any time if you need to have private keys.

You should know that withdrawal requests are paid when the new investment can cover it when there is not enough amount, a collapse begins. This has already happened with other Ponzi scheme platforms. This means that when Exxa collapses, almost all investors lose their money.

So you must be very careful when you want to invest in a platform like Exxa Wallet. It is better that you review the reviews and comments of other users so that you do not suffer a scam that makes you lose your money. It is better not to trust coins that are worthless and have no real use.

With this complete and accurate information, you will be able to get an idea of ​​how this Exxa Wallet cryptocurrency wallet works. You can decide if you want to take risks and invest your money with this scheme that is often not safe.

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Coinfinesse Group Review – Why you should be careful Wed, 22 Apr 2020 10:08:22 +0000 Talking about a company that incurs scams is a way to guide users to be very careful. Coinfinesse Group is a company with a long history of collapse, which leaves many doubts about its promises to participate. The footprints of this Company go to its first name, where it called itself Coinfinity, rapidly collapsing. Something very interesting is that the site whose name was Coinfinnity is currently with a joint link. Strangely, a new site is reopened. To understand a little more about this matter, you need to know the entire history of Coinfinesse Group from the beginning. History of

The post Coinfinesse Group Review – Why you should be careful appeared first on Behind Scam.

Talking about a company that incurs scams is a way to guide users to be very careful. Coinfinesse Group is a company with a long history of collapse, which leaves many doubts about its promises to participate.

The footprints of this Company go to its first name, where it called itself Coinfinity, rapidly collapsing. Something very interesting is that the site whose name was Coinfinnity is currently with a joint link.

Strangely, a new site is reopened. To understand a little more about this matter, you need to know the entire history of Coinfinesse Group from the beginning.

History of its creation and the Supposed Creator of the Company

Coinfinesse Group was registered just on December 19, 2019, selling its users a world full of opportunities. From this perspective, it is strange that this unexpected launch was shortly after the launch of Confinity.

This seems to be the typical Company that tries to wrap a secret by making a very unexpected domain jump. On the other hand, Mario Helmut is the character that represents the MLM company, showing himself as a businessman.

The life history of this character makes him look like a digital marketing hero having 40 years of experience. According to his biography, he is an expert in the financial field.

The fact of all this is that on the internet, a person can give himself attributes and credits that do not correspond to him. LinkedIn is the way to cover professional profiles looking like a business person because there are also inconsistencies there.

Mario Helmut has 25 years of experience in a company called Zurcher Kantonalbank, which is currently unverifiable.

If it is spoken exactly, the internet is a game where the one with the greatest ability crushes others. It is unreliable that outside the Coinfinesse Group website itself, you cannot verify Helmut’s information.

Another fact is that social networks are not credit accounts these days to trust them. The social network Facebook is one of the most used in the world, and practically everyone has one.

It’s a bit strange that Mario Helmut being such a successful person, doesn’t have a profile created before 2019. Another aspect that is even more worrying is the fact that the accounts that appear were created in December.

Consequently,  the Helmut character is probably fable.

Arguments for which Coinfinesse Group Emigrated from Confinity


Historically on the internet, it is difficult to find out the reasons why companies leave a web domain and start a new one. If Confinity, the reasons for its closure without explanation are not due to bankruptcies.

This Company was doing very well in its beginnings and suddenly decided to close its online activities. The reason why Confinity closed its doors was due to a threat from another company’s lawsuit.

In this case, it was due to a company based in Australia who intended to file a lawsuit. This demand was supported by the fact of infringing on a brand that was previously registered.

In short, this is the reason why Confinity became Coinfinesse Group from one moment to the next.

Coinfinesse business plan

This Company presents a business plan that seems to be good in the eyes of those who do not investigate very well. To start this Company offers the opportunity to buy a membership and through it earn money by marketing other memberships. The business plan is structured as follows:

  • Those who buy affiliate membership can invest in Cryptocurrencies.
  • Depending on the investment, they may have a rate of return of an amount equivalent to 3.6%.
  1. How the Company distributes the Percentages?

It all depends on the percentages according to the type of business chosen, and the alleged earnings are:

  • The investment starts from $ 100 to $ 2499, of course, invested in solid cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. The promise of return is deb 2.4% weekly.
  • From 2,500 dollars invested equally in any of the two Cryptocurrency platforms, the Company offers a 3.6% weekly return.

This sounds somewhat promising to be somewhat promising, especially since there is no amount stipulated for a period.

  1. Ranks of Established Affiliates.

These assumed ranges of this Company have ten ranges that are distributed by stars and remain as follows:

  • Get a Star: The team has earned $ 1,000 per weekly rate of return.
  • You get two Stars: When the team of your referrals has obtained together 5000 dollars in weekly returns.
  • Three Stars: When you generate 20,000 dollars of weekly returns.
  • Get 4 Stars: This is for $ 50,000 that your affiliate team has achieved in weekly returns.
  • To obtain 5 Stars: When they have generated 80,000 with their team of affiliates in the weekly returns.
  • With six stars: When you and your team generate $ 150,000 in a descending way.
  • Seven Stars: When you and your team generate $ 250,000 in stars together
  • Eight Stars: When you and your team generate $ 500,000 in descending equipment.
  • Nine Stars: When When you and your team generate million dollars in weekly returns equipment.
  • Ten Stars: When you and your team generate $ 3,000,000 in weekly returns.

All this is calculated according to the Company as teams in descending order.

  1. Commissions gave by the reference company.

This works with a multilevel system and consists of the fact that as a person invites others, they achieve a level. In a nutshell, the Company promises the famous residual income. They distribute it in the following levels:

  • 1 Level: Receive 100%
  • 2 Level: Receive 50%
  • 3 Level: Receive 10%
  • 4 to 8 Levels: Receive 5% (paid from 3 stars and above)
  • 9 to 12 Levels: 3% (paid at five stars and above)

This sounds compromising, but everything indicates that it is a scam.

  1. Pay per Star Rank
  • 1 Stars: Receive $ 200.
  • 2 Stars: Receive $ 1,000.
  • 3 Stars: Receive $ 4,000.
  • 4 Stars: Receive 10,000 Dollars.
  • 5 Stars: Receive $ 15,000
  • 6 Stars: Receive $ 30,000
  • 7 Stars: Receive $ 50,000
  • 8 Stars: Receive $ 100,000
  • 9 Stars: Receive $ 150,000
  • 10 Stars: Receive 450,000 Dollars

Final Collection of Data

At this point, everything sounds very beautiful to be true, and the Company does all this to flee with other people’s money. No law allows you to claim your money. This Company has recently limited withdrawals from its platform, attributing this to the collapse of Bitcoin.

The Company blames COVID-19  for the recent drop in weekly return rates, which is unusual. This makes it clear that investing in this Company is a great scam and that you will end up bankrupt.

There is no doubt that the elegant Mario Helmut is a completely false person who sells illusions to the naive. There is no option to leave this Company in a good position. So be very careful with the money you expose there.

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CMMT Revolution Review: Know The Scam. Mon, 20 Apr 2020 15:19:02 +0000 This company joins an extensive list of scam companies that don’t even do credibility work well. It starts with the fact that this company does not have any information about who runs the virtual organization. Likewise, since there is no president or representative, everyone should have doubts about spending money on affiliations. Since 2018 work began on this domain, being too doubtful that there are no official page owners. After the first registration, the company made several updates, the most recent being December 10, 2019. The original domain did not start working from the beginning since it was a reserved

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This company joins an extensive list of scam companies that don’t even do credibility work well. It starts with the fact that this company does not have any information about who runs the virtual organization.

Likewise, since there is no president or representative, everyone should have doubts about spending money on affiliations.

Since 2018 work began on this domain, being too doubtful that there are no official page owners. After the first registration, the company made several updates, the most recent being December 10, 2019.

The original domain did not start working from the beginning since it was a reserved space without any use. Only in July was the first time that an official launch of the MLM business company was made.

Before the launch, he had already been promoting videos on YouTube, explaining the business to invest positively. The same infused videos show that the official registration of this company began in June 2018.

Now, those who have had the opportunity to see the videos circulating should know that the company shows a general founder. The name that appears within the videos as a founder is Patrik Kowatsch, who has a fairly acceptable resume.

In the history of this person, appears the founder’s participation in mining companies, showing that he is very good. The website of this company is backed by an address that shows that it comes from the UK.

From this point of view, it seems that it was a business carried out with time so that everything turns out very well and they can scam you. It is very important to know that companies with doubts always end up taking money from very stupid people.

Little Reliability of the CMMT Company Backed by Various Indications.

It is no secret to anyone that most fake companies use UK web page addresses. People do it because, in this matter, the country has a little follow-up to punish this type of internet scammer.

Another very doubtful point is that this company does not have any product to market to potential customers. The entire business of these companies is selling a membership as a potential affiliate to others.

By putting other people to market their memberships, you are practically forced to promote something attesting that it works. This entire structure is done under a compensation plan so that those who enter feel more encouraged.

The Company’s Compensation Plans Offered in Lies.

  1. Purchase and Investment Plan.

This plan is subject to a return on investment that shows buyers how they can earn money in the long term. 13 packages support the supposed profits that the company made with the new affiliates that you can bring to the site.

The compensation plans are:

  • 1 Package. The investment is 10 dollars.
  • 2 Package. In this package, there is an investment of 50 dollars.
  • 3 Package: With an investment of $ 100
  • 4 Package: The investment is $ 500
  • 5 Package: An investment of $ 1,000
  • 6 Package: With an investment of 1500 dollars
  • 7 Package: With an investment of $ 3,000
  • 8 Package: With an investment of $ 5,000
  • 9 Package: With an investment of $ 10,000
  • 10 Package: With an investment of $ 50,000
  • 11 Package: with an investment of $ 100,000

This investment has a return of 2.5 to 5% weekly, which means that in the next three years, you will make a profit. The company gives to affiliate customers a tentative rate of return of 360%. This is only what is promised by the affiliation, and the amount of the investments give other compensations.

Although the company promises a refund of tripled money or even a little more, other hooks must be exposed. This group of unscrupulous scammers offers a line of compensation for bringing suggested that is growing progressively.

  1. New Member Affiliate Plan.

It is very tentative that you can put your money in installments that no bank could give you and also make money by counting others. Up to this point, the idea is that you will receive three times the investment and a little more with promoting what you did.

This is known as generating residual income or, in other words, income by telling others that it is a great digital business. The ratings are:

  • 1 Qualification or Candidate: When you generate $ 5,000 with your team in decreasing order.
  • 2 Qualification or Manager: Generating with the affiliates a total of $ 20,000.
  • 3 Qualification or Senior Manager: At this point, it is the accumulation volume of $ 100,000.
  • Grade 4 or Director: When you have generated a total of $ 500,000.
  • Rating 5 or Senior Director: For a group generation of 1,000,000
  • Qualification 6 or International Director: Generating a group total of $ 5,000,000.
  • Rating 7 o President: Making a group volume of $ 20,000,000.

In this regard, people are offered a percentage for these accumulated values ​​depending on each rating obtained. All this works in a staggered way, as you may have already seen in common binary earnings.

While one climbs a higher level, another begins to remain at the bottom and rise accordingly. In these cases, there always comes a time when the payment of these levels will be limited.


CMMT is very limiting by levels so that each scale is worse than the previous one and to deny payments. However, the commissions they offer are as follows:

If you invest in packages 1,2 and reach affiliate numbers, you get 8% of the volume of rating 1.

When you invest in packages three, you receive 8% of grade 1, and 5% in grade 2, 3% in grade 3.

Investing in the $ 500 package earns 8% of rating 1, 5% of rating 2, 3% of rating 3, and 2% of rating 4.

When people do investments of 1000, 1500 and 3000 dollars, they receive 8%  in the first qualification, 5% in the second, 3% in the third, 2% in the fourth and 1% in the fifth.

Investments are $ 5,000, the same as the previous one, plus 0.5% in grades six and seven.

For an investment of $ 10,000, you get the above plus 0.5 in grades 6 to 9.

For an investment of $ 25,000, you would obtain previous earnings plus 1% rating 10 and 3% rating 1.

These percentages are subject to another additional prize, including iPhone, iPad, and some trips. This is presented as a Bitcoin mining business, but you can get ripped off with it.


These investments are not very credible; they do not have legal support, nor can they be accredited just by selling memberships. The bottom line is that it is a big shameless scam.

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Bitsons Global Review Tue, 14 Apr 2020 14:44:28 +0000 The world of cryptocurrencies has been a pretty strong field for scams. We know that scammers stick to their virtual currency type with no guarantee from any bank or government. This certainly makes it an opportunity for anyone who wants to make money at the expense of another. Fortunately, these cases are becoming increasingly well known, and governments penalize it worldwide. Especially in large developed countries, there are already charges, fines, and prison terms for carrying out electronic fraud. The possibility of profiting through others is quite great, but also of being legally affected. The penalty for wire fraud in

The post Bitsons Global Review appeared first on Behind Scam.

The world of cryptocurrencies has been a pretty strong field for scams. We know that scammers stick to their virtual currency type with no guarantee from any bank or government.

This certainly makes it an opportunity for anyone who wants to make money at the expense of another. Fortunately, these cases are becoming increasingly well known, and governments penalize it worldwide. Especially in large developed countries, there are already charges, fines, and prison terms for carrying out electronic fraud.

The possibility of profiting through others is quite great, but also of being legally affected. The penalty for wire fraud in the United States is approximately 20 years in prison. And the monetary implications also add up to a significant amount, more than $ 500,000 for breaking the law.

How do you fight the scam in the cryptocurrency business?

It is fought very easily, with education. Education is the weapon for everything since if you have the key knowledge, this will not happen. However, and taking advantage of information gaps, some companies offer educational programs. But these are equally fraudulent, and through this program, they educate investors at will.

A scammer can skillfully take advantage of a person if they do not have the basic knowledge on any subject. In the case of cryptocurrency mining, even more so, of Bitcoin, this happens very often. It is impossible to explain in a short time how the process works and also understand it with the naked eye.

This requires a comprehensive process, which should include the penalty for breaking the law in any area. And so both new investors and scammers will know what to expect.

Bitsons Global is a clear example of how a lack of information can lead you no money without you noticing.

Bitsons Global and it’s way to scam new investors

Bitsons Global

The company Bitsons Global is in its broadest sense, a company that focuses on offering benefits and investments, as well as business opportunities. All of course, as part of a ghost trap, since nothing exists.

We explain why:

  1. A company guarantees that you will earn money quickly and easily
  2. It promises high performance, little effort but it will still double your profits in a short time
  3. Investment of money in dollars, in exchange for cryptocurrencies
  4. Statements and information about the company in question is confusing

All these points are common in scamming companies in the world of cryptocurrencies. As we have already said, this is always an opportunity, but we know what the catch is. With the right information, we will know what to expect.

Bitsons Global: False financial freedom/crypto pirating

Crypto pirating is when scammers use the power of your computer or phone to mine cryptocurrencies without your permission. Plus, you don’t get any benefit from it.

So it was, with many more reported cases, and a rigorous investigation that uncovered the way the scam worked at Bitsons Global.

Identified features to scam:

– The flaws in its web platform are constant

– It does not have records of how it works, and the comments on the service provided are deficient

– It has bureaux de change and fake wallets

Last year in the Google Store, people found thousands of fraudulent apps to mine Bitcoin. People denounced, and Google Store blocked from the network. However, some continue to circulate and scam everywhere.

Bond Opportunities: Another Scam Method

Through impostor accounts, mounted videos, and photos of “real cases” on social networks, fraudsters of this type of company orchestrate their attacks. The victim does not know if it is real or not, and that is where the frauds come from.

Many are the elements that, in the case of Bitsons Global, are used to generate trust in the client. The gifts by Social Networks is one of them, or what would be its equivalent, investment bonds.

Manipulating everything online is very simple and more common than you think as well as mounting a page that graphically looks very reliable and safe. Also, add work policies and testimonials of real earnings or good service.

Bitsons Global and its computing gaps in Blockchain

Bitsons Global knows how to use these elements to their advantage, taking into account that not many know about it. Furthermore, what they are looking for is to earn money quickly.

Police indict the creators of this platform its “Blockchain symphony,” the scammers of Bitsons Global, a German company with “branches” in various parts of the world. They broke the law in such a way that all their data is encrypted.

The country’s policies do not allow us to know more information about the scam and what was the amount stolen from its clients. However, its platform and all data on it have been suspended and discredited on the web.

Legal protections for working or paying for a cryptocurrency do not exist. There are many operations that these companies have used to defraud others.

The pyramid schemes used by these companies are a key point in identifying fraud. Many companies, including Bitsons Global, have used this structure to attract more customers and organize more scams.

Bitsons Global and the fraudulent way it operates

Bitsons Global scammers created a network by attracting new investors. His interest stemmed from finding people who were not very capable and unfamiliar with the subject to guide them towards this fraudulent system.

– Bitsons Global obtained money from its investors in exchange for future earnings

This is a common point that all cryptocurrency companies have to scam, offering quick profits with the minimum investment and effort.

– Invest money in physical with rewards in bitcoins (at a better price) according to the movement of the market

The person invests “real” money in exchange for virtual money that is supposedly more fluctuating and stable than the common currency. In this way, the trap begins, capturing new investors with the currency of the future as many call it.

– The company will give the final reward after the people investment for the extraction of cryptocurrencies

Participation in a mining group and the subsequent extraction of these cryptocurrencies, whether they are bitcoins or in the case of Bitsons Global, Blockchain. This works as a fraudulent method of making unilateral gains. That is, only for one person, in this case, the company, and not the investor.

The conclusion and the solution

Not all cryptocurrency markets are fraudulent, but they do not end up building trust. The fact that any bank or government does not back them represents a juicy scam opportunity.

Their niche is mainly for inexperienced people in this field, knowing that they will do exactly what they said with a minimum of information.

So the ideal way to avoid these scam cases like Bitsons Global is to make good use of education. This topic may lend itself to millions of other scam cases if people do not take it seriously. Also, it leaves exposed and unprotected to those who try to maximize their profits through this method.

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Tycoon 69 Company Scam Controversy Fri, 10 Apr 2020 15:00:23 +0000 More and more virtual companies are emerging as a dream, making promises that may never be fulfilled. In this case, Tycoon 69 is involved in controversies due to the unsupported plans, so you must be very careful. As a first point, you should be careful about joining a company whose purpose is to make your money disappear like magic. The idea is that by reading these lines, you can understand and know the scams that companies plan. Therefore, it is good that you first know where the company comes from according to the supposed data that they manage. Likewise, you

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More and more virtual companies are emerging as a dream, making promises that may never be fulfilled. In this case, Tycoon 69 is involved in controversies due to the unsupported plans, so you must be very careful.

As a first point, you should be careful about joining a company whose purpose is to make your money disappear like magic.

The idea is that by reading these lines, you can understand and know the scams that companies plan. Therefore, it is good that you first know where the company comes from according to the supposed data that they manage.

Likewise, you should know in detail the business plans they offer and the final recommendations that will make you avoid losses.

History of the company, according to its arguments

From a visual point of view, conclusive data cannot be collected from the owners of the digital company, since they do not exist. Upon entering the company, you can verify that it does not have any support that speaks about its general owners.

On the other hand, since there is no company data, it is difficult to verify the company’s marketing history. If you look closely at the advertising of this company, some videos show the business plan. In these plans, you see a person who talks about the benefits you will get in the long term.

Likewise, this person does not present himself with a name in general; but many sources speak of Stefen Hostettler. In this case, you cannot verify that the character is the owner of the company just because he makes a video.

In another aspect, everything related to the context of the company shows that the company comes from Switzerland. Of course, this is just another allegation, as the researchers are guided only by the direction of the page.

To give value to other historical points, the business plan of this company shows that it is on MLM. A clear point of the company scam is that in marketing, there does not have to be retail products.

But for you to understand these manifests, you must know how the business plan works as unfounded in the information.

General income plan of the company

It all starts with a free affiliation, But you only generate income by investing to start rating it. The amount you start with is 50 Euros, and with it, you get the first amount of points.

This company offers a return on the investment plan, which progresses as you scale one position forward. It is very nice to think that without making more effort, you would start to make a profit starting with a low investment amount.

Specifically, everything works with levels; we are going to explain all this in a specific way as a reference.

The Reference Commissions gave by Tycoon69 Diluted in Levels


Residual income is a business system that has been around for many years as a source of quick money. However, these same income levels are being used in Digital Marketing to cheat and scam people.

Residual income is a business system that has been around for many years as a source of quick money. However, these same income levels are being used in Digital Marketing to cheat and scam people.

It sounds historical that a rate of return returns to you for your income and for the income of the group you form. Now, in the case of Tycoo69, the promised referral commissions are divided into ten ranges or levels as payments.

As people increase their number of referred people, they start to earn money for them by scale. The levels are:


  • Basic Range: You can invest 50 Euros and receiving an amount of 104 MCV points.
  • Bronze Rank: You can generate an investment of 250 Euros, and 336 MCV points are received
  • Silver Rank: You can generate an investment of 500 Euros to receive 632 MCV points
  • Gold Rank: In this case, the investment is 1000 Euros to receive a total of 1207 MCV points
  • Platinum Rank: You can generate 2948 Euros, and the same amount of points is received.
  • Diamond Rank: In the diamond rank, the investment is 5000 Euros receiving 5907 MCV points as a bonus.
  • Professional Rank: You can generate an investment of 10.0000 Euros, receiving a bonus of 12073 MCV points.
  • Founder Rank: At this point, the investment must be 25,000 Euros, and a bonus of 30,132 MCV Points is received
  • Investor Rank I: The investment increases to 50,000 Euros and the points you will obtain will be 64,191 MCV points
  • Investor II Rank: You can invest 100,000 Euros and obtain a score of 128,382 MCV points.

This, of course, is seen as a team business model that grows as the team grows. This company does not sell a single product; it is only responsible for distributing a library of books with each membership.

When you buy a membership, you also receive a supposed training that leads you to be a seller.

Observations of the true Scam Strategy after the Level Breakdown

Beyond this, brainwashing hides a plan that is not at all satisfactory as investors. You put yourself at risk, and you will give a bad time to all investors who come below the chain. You should know that until now, the MCV points offered by the page are not sold outside of it.

The plan of rank or levels of ancestry within the company offers other levels of earnings. This generally depends on the volume of the people you join and the amounts of money.

Rate of Return Levels According to Tycoon69 and its False Promises

The company measures these levels by the volume of investments made by selling memberships to others. The bad thing about this plan is that many people innocently market it through their social networks.

This puts both the original investor and those behind it at risk as a residual chain. The levels are like this:

Coin team Builder level

With a monthly group volume of 1000 Euros. (10% return)

Coin Manager Level

With an increasing group volume of 2,500 Euros per month. (10% of level 1 plus 1% of 2)

Coin Coordinator Level

When the group it manages achieves an investment of 5000 euros per month.

Coin Expert Level

When 10,000 euros are generated monthly in descending groups plus an additional requirement from two currency managers that you recruit yourself.

Coin supervisor level

With 25,000 Euros per month of the group and two currency coordinators recruited by you.

Currency Officer Level

50,000 Euros in the group and two currency experts.

Coin director level

With 100,000 Euros per month and two currency supervisors.

Coin Executive Level

250,000 Euros Monthly and two currency officers.

Coin master level

500,000 Euros per month and three currency managers.

Vice President of Currency

1,000,000 Euros Four currency officers.

Coin President level

2,500,000 Euros and eight currency managers.

Coin President level

5,000,000 at least 16 executives.

Coin Baron Level

10,000,000 Euros per month and 32 masters.

Coin Tycoon level

25,000,000 64 and four vice presidents of currency.

Last conclusions

All this has no real support since any bank does not validate the MCV points. Several sanctions have already been imposed to date, for this reason, so do not fall into their lies too.

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Mind Capital MLM Review: Scam ? Wed, 08 Apr 2020 13:14:28 +0000 Scams online are very common; there is always the possibility of falling into an unscrupulous company. When it comes to money, these are entirely possible, from any niche to the one that seems most reliable. The lack of information has brought this phenomenon of online scams to grow more and more. Many experts say that the big culprits are governments and companies that do not offer sufficient compensation and benefits to their employees. So they are forced to look for other economic income alternatives. For this reason, they often fall into bad investments, fraudulent businesses, or simply due to the

The post Mind Capital MLM Review: Scam ? appeared first on Behind Scam.

Scams online are very common; there is always the possibility of falling into an unscrupulous company. When it comes to money, these are entirely possible, from any niche to the one that seems most reliable.

The lack of information has brought this phenomenon of online scams to grow more and more. Many experts say that the big culprits are governments and companies that do not offer sufficient compensation and benefits to their employees. So they are forced to look for other economic income alternatives.

For this reason, they often fall into bad investments, fraudulent businesses, or simply due to the ignorance or deception of another more cunning person. All options are possible, so it is better to be vigilant and look for information before making an online investment.

In this case, we will talk about a very popular topic, and which has gained strength in recent years. However, it continues having many falls due to the lack of information and the little understanding that exists about its operation and real market benefit.

Cryptocurrencies are the subject of today, Bitcoin or any digital currency is part of the new technological and economic era. We know that there are currently more than 36 million cryptocurrencies in the world; many companies seek to guide customers in the world of digital money.

What many ignore is that this opens the way to a very excessive and uncontrollable world of scams. These currencies, not having the backing of a bank or a government, cannot be a reason for claiming in case of fraud.

There are many ideal profitable platforms to take advantage of the world of cryptocurrencies. But others only seek to take advantage of the little information and knowledge on the subject to scam new investors. Such is the case of Mind Capital.

What is Mind Capital?

It is a platform designed to make cryptocurrencies profitable, also called an investment network. People know it with this name because many invest and manage to benefit markets in the financial sector.

Mind Capital has Blockchain technology that allows you to analyze in real-time the movements of cryptocurrencies, and thus identify what would be a profitable investment. You must estimate a minimum investment of $ 100 through Bitcoin, and like everything on the internet, your registration is quick and easy.

Of course, you must have the amount above in Bitcoin to enter the game and be able to register.

However, it is very difficult to avoid being exposed to criticism if you have a minimum of reputation on the internet. Mind Capital is synonymous with scams and is that when you type in the search engine, you find millions of results that make you doubt about effectiveness.

As points of attention for Mind Capital, we have:

  1. They do not focus on offering large bonuses, but on “cutting edge” Blockchain technology to attract new clients.
  2. Its profitability is between 0.5 and 1.5%. Nothing high
  3. The earnings obtained vary depending on the level where the client is.
  4. Your minimum investment amount is high compared to other companies

In the cryptocurrencies world, nothing is guaranteed; for this reason, people call companies like Mind Capital cryptocurrency scammers. They have allegations that they steal from investors across Europe.

Mind Capital and its beginnings

Gonzalo García Pelayo creates this company, an expert in betting and roulette games. This means that he is a person who is very good at numbers and is always looking for a new phantom investment opportunity.

It is very easy to join this world if you know the good reputation and results of its main creator. Know how it has influenced the world of business and cryptocurrencies worldwide.

Mind Capital has been audited countless times; this has made it lose value in the cryptocurrency market. The best way to avoid fraud from companies like this is to step aside and generate smart income. Look for investments with another type of more reliable support.

Remember that as well as Mind Capital, there are thousands of companies denounced but continue to operate in the market. Furthermore, the cryptocurrency business, while known, is not reliable in many ways, and here we see why.

These companies do not have their government or financial support to respond to any fraud or legal problem in which they are involved. The person who invests does not have an entity to turn to in case of any problem. Despite its many options and platforms, it remains a “shell business” with many information gaps to its credit.

Mind Capital Operations

mind capital

To invest in the cryptocurrency business, it is necessary to investigate well, as we have already said. Mind Capital has managed to increase its popularity among users by offering a study program on how to do the whole process and how to “Invest Smartly.”

The system that this company manages is not facing the client, their needs, even so, they enter the business without being 100% sure. But as usual, they make it seem like a simple process where you will get significant profits with the minimum effort.

Being a popular trading platform, it is exposed to criticism. Therefore people can make their own opinion. What people find is not promising for the long-term maintenance of this platform.

Its operations have decreased considerably due to the number of negative reviews it has received from third parties. These companies scam people who have not obtained even a minimum profit that would allow them to recover some of the investment made.


The Mind Capital features leave much to be desired. People constantly denounce, even by European authorities, which considerably dismisses its working methodologies.

The percentages presented to clients and investors associated with Mind Capital are absurdly low compared to the investment made from the start. Someone with a little common sense would realize that this is not a good deal.

  1. Its profitability goes according to an analysis of 0.5 to 1%. An unpromising scenario.
  1. The initial investment is $ 100 in Bitcoin, and the profits do not exceed the amount or even recover the investment.
  2. The price of the currency they handle moves very slowly. It is not stable in the market or feasible for the business.
  3. The study program is just a mattress to cushion and ensure the scam generating empathy with a new investor who does not know much about the subject.

Its founder has known how to use the success of his previous plays in casinos to make cryptocurrencies a “profitable” business. Only profitable for him, so we must be more careful when investing. In this way, we will not enter the world of constant fraud with Mind Capital.

We know that millions of current systems do not offer transparency or reliability, so we must investigate well. Also, we must focus on learning more about the world of digital currencies and how they move to make this a feasible business. We can do this by our means, without fraudulent bridges.

The post Mind Capital MLM Review: Scam ? appeared first on Behind Scam.

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